Tips for journaling enjoyment
10 Tips for Journaling Enjoyment
When forging a new relationship with journaling and a journaling community, it can be very helpful to embrace a few general points to get the most out of your experience.
- There are no rules—no wrongs or rights.
- Before you start to write, begin with a short entrance mediation or a round of three deep breaths. Become present to the moment.
- Tell yourself the truth.
- It is strongly suggested to re-read what you wrote and then give yourself a “feedback write.” Be both the teacher and student.strongly suggested to re-read what you wrote and then give yourself a “feedback write.” Boil down your initial entry to 2-3 sentences where you note what you noticed, ah-has, curiosities.
- Your journal is yours and yours alone. You can keep it as private as you’d like. Privacy is good—it’s yours to protect.
- Sharing ah-has that come up in your journal can be a profound experience. It's encouraged but not expected.
- Start writing. Write quickly. Keep writing.
- Date your entries.
- Let your inner critic take a backseat ... or a permanent vacation.
- Remember...there are NO RULES. Be gentle and kind to yourself.
Tips for Journaling Enjoyment.pdf